A mythical city lost in time...this is Timbuktu
There are a lot of legends on the origin of the name Timbuktu; according to some sources the city would be built in the year one hundred around a well (Tin) of Boktou, discovered by the Tuareg people thanks to the confessions of an ancient slave, whose name in Tuaregh language, Tamacheq, means "the woman with the big navel".
Remembering this woman, we, from MAcorporation, have chosen together with our partner Body Up, to intervene with a project studied by our experts to improve the future of young women and mothers in Mali.
The Timbuktu Project wants to support Malian women in a land where their life expectation is 51.46 and the birth rate is 7.38 children born for every woman. The first among our aims is to intervene directly by modifying and enhancing the female body potential as well as possible.
Every woman dreams of being a wonderful mother to her children, seeing them growing up healthy and strong, but here everything is made even more difficult: hunger, illnesses, infant mortality, aids, genital mutilations are only some of the threats to these mothers and their children.
Our project wants to allow Malian women to choose how to change their bodies to be more efficient and ready to welcome a new life.
The centre
MAcorporation and Body Up since February 2004, year of inauguration of the first centre named after Tamacheq, and thanks to the constant presence of Body up specialists, have listened to and welcomed these women to study together with them which kind of intervention they want to do according to their husbands' desires, the number of children they have and, above all, according to their dreams.
"Who has a lot of young kids, for example, ask for a breast enlargement that with the introduction of a third breast (removable later) gets more manageable and efficient" tells us Susanna, one of Body Up's girls, who has worked in the centre for one year, "others prefer small interventions, to try to make pregnancies, often very close one to the other, more sustainable".
An opportunity - Everything goes back to its place
In the Republic of Mali female mutilations are up to 92% and we offer these women the opportunity to put everything back as it was before. A lot of them have undergone this practice before the age of five and don't remember how they were before the intervention: we give them the opportunity to discover womanliness and beauty serenely and safely again.
The new challenge: The future is baby
We don't stop here. A lot of things have been done these years and a lot are still to be done, and the will to help is strong. The surgery activity addressed to Malian girls goes on. Mothers can now intervene on their daughters' bodies during their growing years, with a personalized modification programme: let's not forget today's girls and tomorrow's women.
The Timbuktu Project is for us from MAcorporation a bet with ourselves and with the people of a magic land to rediscover and preserve, we don't love losing our bets, and to succeed this challenge we need to believe in it with you.
Life is precious and we know it, thanks to the contact between MAcorporation's technology and Body Up's skills we hope to give Malian women smiles and serenity back.